Privacy Policy

How I Feel General Disclaimer

HIF is a mood tracker that lets the user reflect on a particular day and input their overall mood for the said day. Any data the user generates from HIF with respect to their mood is intended solely for general informational purposes and is not intended to be relied upon for any other purpose. All the data is stored on the device of the user and we do not have any access to the data.

How I Feel Medical Disclaimer

HIF is a mood tracker. HIF is not a health care or medical services provider nor should HIF be considered medical advice. Only your physician or health care provider can do that. HIF is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

HIF does not assess, recognize symptoms of or provide any medical advice on mental health. Instead, HIF encourages users to contact their physician or health care provider with respect to any concerns they may have about their mental health and/or overall health. Users with pre-existing mental health conditions should consult their health care provider before initiating the use of HIF.